by Fiona Hannon | Oct 17, 2013 | Blog, Excel Formulas, Excel Formulas, Excel Tips, Uncategorized
Let’s take a look at the following really useful functions that will help us every day in Excel. Functions that help with CASE This set of 3 functions are very handy to use when text has been imported into Excel and it has not arrived in the correct case. Maybe... by Fiona Hannon | Oct 17, 2013 | Blog, Excel Formulas, Excel Formulas, Excel Tips, Uncategorized
Let’s look at a scenario where data is given to you in .CSV format or already has been imported into Excel for you. It may be the case that you have a list of ID numbers, when they are pasted or imported into Excel, the leading Zero which was there in the... by Declan McNally | Oct 1, 2013 | Blog, Macros, Macros, Uncategorized
From time to time I thought I would post answers to the most common questions I get asked during the classroom based courses that we run. We will also do this for the online Excel courses and also feel free to ask questions on the blog if you have them. So the topic... by Declan McNally | Sep 24, 2013 | Uncategorized
Have you ever created a Workbook in Excel as part of a business process and defined how you wanted people to enter the data just to find that they disregard your method and just put the information anywhere. This can be frustrating but will involve you being the one... by Declan McNally | Aug 9, 2013 | Blog, Macros, Uncategorized
The range of formula within Excel is great. Most of the day to day functionality that you need is there but if you find that you need to do a different calculation that is not built in then you can create what is called a User Defined Function (UDF). If you are going...